The Fight Marches On - How Is Your District Doing?
Moms and dads,
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday celebrating the freedoms our great nation enjoys. I am filled with gratitude for the blessings I’ve been given, especially my 3 children and husband, and the gift of joining the mission with people like you to fight for our children’s future.
I have heard from so many parents resolute in our mission of empowering parents with Transparency, Quality, Respect and Choice. The love we have for our children and the desire to see every child have the best education possible transcends economics, race, politics, and zip code. This movement is built upon that very clear understanding—moms and dads must be the ultimate decision maker for their child’s education. We will not stop our mission until every child has access to the very best education of a parent’s choosing.
Unfortunately, we’ve been given undeniable proof that the public education system—and the multitude of unions, associations, and lobbyists that profit from our tax dollars—will never be on the side of parents and kids. We’ve witnessed their public testimony, electioneering efforts, and outright deception.
There’s nothing more frustrating than the fact that we’re fighting for our children with our own time and money, but our opponents are using our taxpayer money—either directly or paid in union dues—to fight us, lobby against us, and protect their system at the cost of our children’s education.
For example, according to the Texas Education Agency over 60% of Temple ISD students cannot read or do math on grade level. Those children, like all Texas children, deserve a high-quality education. It’s not too hard to see that empowering parents provides the opportunity for parents to select the best education for their child while also incentivizing the entire system to get better—in fact, we have the data to prove it right here.
Here’s great article by Lou Ann Anderson explaining the many decades of missed opportunities to empower parents: “School Choice Debate Shows Texas Public Ed More “For the System” than “For the Children”.”
Millions of parents on this Parent Empowerment Mission are standing firm—we have the ability to create transformational change for our children and the children of Texas.
To see how your local ISD is performing check the “District Results” tab on, and to learn more about the incredible outcomes for every child when parents are empowered with ESAs, check here.
We’re fighting for the next generation, and we cannot lose—our future depends on it.
Mandy Drogin